Posted on 14 July 2020 by Phil Coleman

The choice you have will depend on 2 things.
- Do you have a power supply in place?
- The size of your roof lantern blind.
If you have got a power supply in place, brilliant as that opens up more options for you. If you haven’t and don’t really want the hassle and mess of getting one installed, it is not a problem.
Battery Powered.
We can supply roof lantern blinds that are battery powered so you can still have the luxury of controlling your roof lantern blind by remote control without installing a power supply.
As you can imagine battery powered motors are not as powerful as the mains powered options so there are size limitations for the battery powered blinds.
The maximum width of a battery powered roof lantern blind is 2 metres, and the maximum drop is 2.4 metres.
If your roof lantern is larger than the maximum sizes there is still an option for you. We can install 2 blinds side by side, but this does mean you will have side channels running across the centre of your roof lantern (as seen in the photo below)
Mains powered
Mains powered roof lantern blinds are the perfect option as they can be made to much bigger sizes than the battery powered blinds.
We offer 2 options with mains powered roof lantern blinds.
Option 1 is with a single motor at one end of your blind and a tension spring system at the other. This system will cope with 90% of the roof lanterns we come across.
As I explained the mains powered roof lantern blinds can be made bigger than the battery, with the single motor option having a maximum width of 3 metres and a maximum depth of 3.5 metres.
Option 2 for the mains powered blinds is the full tension system. This system has 2 motors (one at each end of the blind), the 2 motors have to have a special wiring system installed with a 5 core cable to each motor.
This cable allows the 2 motors to ‘talk’ to each other. As one feeds the fabric off the roller, the other pulls the fabric, keeping things nice and tensioned as the blind pulls across.
As the blind closes fully the ‘pulling’ motor locks into position and the ‘feeding’ motor retracts slightly creating to tension the fabric.
The 2 motor option allows us to install much larger roof lantern blinds, with a maximum width of 4 metres and a maximum depth of 6 metres.
For pricing for your roof lantern blinds, please read our pricing article
I hope this information helps, as we are only a small company we can only offer our services in Leicestershire please call 0116 2769771 or leave your details and we will call you back
If you are a little further a field then please contact Sophie at Shy who are the company who supply the roof lantern blinds and she will help find someone in your local area who can help. Her email is