Posted on 18 December 2017 by Barlow Blinds

The snow has hit and already winter is upon us! The chills are setting in and it’s only due to get colder, so we find ourselves cranking up the heating (and our heating bills). But it doesn’t have to be this way – all it takes is a couple of small changes to keep your home warmer without firing up the central heating. Environmentally friendly, and economical window blinds are an excellent place to start, and we’re going to show you the ones that will keep you the most toasty in this white winter wonderland.
Roman blinds work well because they are of various fabrics, shapes, colours, and thicknesses. They also usually extend far past the window, both vertically and horizontally, so minimise heat loss through gaps to the sides (or in the middle such as with vertical or Venetian blinds). Beautiful designs are available for the adventurous types and do not have to cost an arm and a leg. Opting for these can also add value to your home, serving as an investment not only for your heating, but for your house too.
Shutters can go on the outside, or inside of any dwelling. Not only do these give you insulation from temperature changes, they also aid in keeping out damaging winds (when placed on the exterior of the building). Shutters can be made from wood, bamboo, metal, and plastic, to name just a few materials.
Our Duette ‘Honeycomb’ blinds are the best for keeping out the cold, since their unique design locks in air and helps you retain up to 40% of lost heat. These blinds open up like an accordion and trap a layer of air between you and your windows to minimise heat transfer, and keep you warmer for longer. Find out more here about how these energy efficient blinds work, or watch the video below explaining why the Duette blinds work so well.
Of course, it’s all well and good having blinds to help you insulate your home, but without good practise (ensuring you close them enough or at the right times of day) you could still lose out on your heating. Check out the video below with some advice to help you maximise the benefits of your blinds:
Remember however that your home is yours to decorate it the way you want – so whilst we advise you to invest soon to get the most out of your blinds this winter, take your time choosing! Explore the ranges available and with a little time and patience, we guarantee you will find the perfect, environmentally safe blinds solution to go with the interior design of your house.
Browse our range to ensure you choose a high-quality window coverings and get the most energy savings from your blinds investment. If you are in Leicestershire we can bring the entire range to you. Please call 0116 2769771 or what’s app 07718186941 and we can arrange a home visit.